samedi 22 août 2015

Learning Horse Riding Skills For Beginners

By Nancy Gardner

For centuries humans have lived along side horses. They are used in farming, transportation, competition, and hunting. Show jumping and dressage events are also a popular recreational pastime.

If you are interested in learning these skills you can easily sign up with a school. There they have staff that can teach you the basics of horse riding Okotoks. This is not limited to the wealthy now. This is a hobby that anyone can pursue.

The one thing all riders need to focus on is safety. This is especially important when you are just learning. Helmets should always be used. Boots and jeans should be worn. If boots are not available then rubber shoes can be used. No open toe foot wear is allowed. Shorts, skirts and the like should also be avoided. You can have friction burns from the constant rubbing against the saddle.

When you are on the saddle, do not be tense. Try to sit comfortably in the middle. You can easily fall off if you are not in the correct position. Be mindful of your posture. The way we sit affects not only your comfort but the animals. Dont sit too far back or too close forward. Find a nice middle ground and move with the animal.

Just breathe. Deep even breaths should keep you calm and relaxed. If you are not comfortable the animal will know. They will sense your emotions and they will not trust you. Tense muscles will just add to your discomfort. So relax and try to flow with the movements.

When you first meet the beast, dont go running up and scaring it. That can be very frightening. Approach in a calm demeanor. Give him time to get to know you and your smell. Gain their trust so that you can have a good relationship.

One of the difficult things to get used to is the grip on holding the reins. A good firm grip will let you have good control to guide where you want to go. You can hurt and anger the animal by having too tight a grip. When you are out practicing, you need to adjust and readjust depending on the movements. The right grip will make for a smoother ride.

The choice of riding school will be very important. Having a professional teach you lessens the danger of working with unpredictable beasts. In your city look for reputable schools with great facilities and friendly knowledgeable staff. Spend on a good instructor because this is a highly enjoyable hobby.

Learning equestrian skills takes time. You cant expect to be good at something when you are still a beginner. Start off slowly and as you gain confidence, you will be more ready to learn harder skills. Learn how to approach and handle the stallion while on the ground then work your way up to sitting then finally you can walk and eventually learn to canter and gallop.

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